Tag: Crisis

European Disintegration Deserves a More Prominent Place in European Studies

María del Carmen Sandoval Velasco The various challenges facing the European Union and its seeming inability to adequately address them have arguably fuelled European disintegration, rather than integration, writes María del Carmen Sandoval Velasco. She argues that the European studies community should respond by giving European disintegration more attention and seeking to understand its role …

2016: The Ebbing of Europe’s Radical Left Tide?

Luke March In-Depth Analysis In the economic and financial crisis and its aftermath, European radical left parties have achieved some electoral success, though major challenges will continue to limit their prospects, writes Luke March. He argues that left parties have a difficult balance to strike between maintaining their principles in their policies and recognising the …

Does Learning Follow Change? Surprising Lessons from the Eurocrisis

Jonathan Kamkhaji and Claudio Radaelli The Eurocrisis has brought about a number of substantial reforms in the realm of EU economic governance. In defiance of conventional thinking, it seems that these forms of policy change have preceded policy learning, write Jonathan Kamkhaji and Claudio Radaelli. They argue that, while the causal relationship between learning and …

Post-Crisis Policymaking in Europe: The Politics of Expertise

Elke Heins and Hartwig Pautz The shift towards ‘evidence-based’ policymaking and pressure from the EU have pushed European governments to increasingly make use of technocratic expertise in policymaking, write Elke Heins and Hartwig Pautz. They call for a new research agenda to explore the facets of ‘independent evidence’ and the role of austerity in European …

Social Europe since the Crisis

Elke Heins and Caroline de la Porte The changes to Eurozone governance in response to the crisis have had considerable impact on national welfare states, argue Elke Heins and Caroline de la Porte. They suggest that, despite more recent efforts to take the social dimension into account, the Eurozone’s new structures strongly favour economic and …

Greece: A Constitutionalist’s Two (Euro)cents

Cormac Mac Amhlaigh Public debate on the economic and financial situation in Greece has intensified in recent weeks, writes Cormac Mac Amhlaigh. He remarks on the Eurozone’s difficulty in agreeing a third programme for Greece and he outlines potential reforms to the governance of the Eurozone to ensure the sustainability of the single currency. My …