Tag: Association agreement

The Dutch Ukraine Referendum That Was Never Really About Ukraine

David Bokhorst and Bogdan Koetsier The recent Dutch referendum on the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement, which rejected the agreement, was more an expression of Euroscepticism than an evaluation of the actual deal, write David Bokhorst and Bogdan Koetsier. They argue that the role of referendums should be reconsidered, particularly in foreign policy, as part of a …

The EU’s Relations with Kosovo – Achievements, Limits, Challenges

Gëzim Krasniqi The EU plays a major role in Kosovo’s development, despite the fact that several Member States do not recognise its independence, writes Gëzim Krasniqi. While the recently signed EU-Kosovo Association Agreement is a significant political step, he suggests, the benefits for Kosovo may be minimal in the short term, and unresolved questions over …

The EU’s Relations with Kosovo – Or Why We Should Still Value Brussels Bureaucracy

Lorinc Redei Kosovo’s recent agreement with the EU is a milestone in its European relations, if not for the contents of the deal itself then for the sidestepping of disagreements over its legal status, explains Lorinc Redei. He argues that the European Commission’s success in managing the terms of the discussion on Kosovo serves as …