Category: Cormac Mac Amhlaigh

Brexit’s Legal Stumble

Cormac Mac Amhlaigh The central question of the High Court case on the triggering of Article 50 was whether that process would effectively undermine existing Acts of Parliament, writes Cormac Mac Amhlaigh. He explains that, while the High Court embraced the substantive logic that Article 50 could in practice compromise existing law, the Supreme Court …

Changes to the UK’s EU Membership Might Require the Consent of the Scottish Parliament

Cormac Mac Amhlaigh In-Depth Analysis In this extended article, Cormac Mac Amhlaigh considers the implications of the UK’s EU renegotiation and referendum for Scotland’s devolution settlement. He suggests that, since changes to EU membership could significantly impact the powers of the devolved institutions, a case could be made that consent for the renegotiation and the referendum …

Greece: A Constitutionalist’s Two (Euro)cents

Cormac Mac Amhlaigh Public debate on the economic and financial situation in Greece has intensified in recent weeks, writes Cormac Mac Amhlaigh. He remarks on the Eurozone’s difficulty in agreeing a third programme for Greece and he outlines potential reforms to the governance of the Eurozone to ensure the sustainability of the single currency. My …